Sponsor A Student

Your support can sponsor a student to attend a Regional, National or International event and enjoy a multicultural learning experience unlike anything available outside of Soo Bahk Do®. Their active participation in Moo Duk Kwan® sanctioned events provides them with personal growth opportunities and a broadening of their horizons that just cannot be achieved any other way. Your support can help make those opportunities accessible to a deserving practitioner.

120% Funded
  • $6,000.00 Donated
  • $5,000.00 Goal
  • 1 Donors

About the Campaign

Moo Duk Kwan® sanctioned events are available to Soo Bahk Do® students within the USA and countries worldwide; however the complexities of participating and the costs incurred for students to participate in these events increases relative to the travel distance to the events.

For example:

  1. Local school events
    1. participation fees required
    2. least travel distance
    3. least expense
    4. 50% to 90% of students typically participate in school level events
  2. Regional events
    1. participation fees required
    2. greater travel distance
    3. chaperone may be required
    4. lodging may be required
    5. meal costs while traveling
    6. greater expense
    7. Only 10% to 39% of students typically participate in Regional level events
  3. National events
    1. participation fees required
    2. still greater travel distance
    3. chaperone may be required
    4. airfare may be required
    5. lodging may be required
    6. Meal costs while traveling
    7. Only 5% to 15% of students typically participate in National level events
  4. International events
    1. participation fees required
    2. even greater travel distance
    3. passport required
    4. time off from school or work is required
    5. chaperone may be required
    6. airfare is required
    7. lodging is required
    8. Meal costs while traveling
    9. Less than 1% of students typically participate in International level events

Your sponsorship of a student can help enhance their personal growth while enabling them to be part of something much larger than their local community. These experiences can help broaden their world view, bolster their confidence and self esteem while fostering leadership characteristics and forging character in a way that only these experiences can. 

Peter Drucker states in his book, “Managing The Non-Profit Organization” that:

“The “non-profit” institution neither supplies goods or services nor controls. Its “product” is neither a pair of shoes nor an effective regulation. Its product is a changed human being. The non-profit institutions are human change agents. Their “product” is a cured patient, a child that learns, a young man or woman grown into a self-respecting adult; a changed human life altogether.

The non-profit institution is not merely delivering a service. It wants the end user to be not a user but a doer. It uses a service to bring about change in a human being.

We invite you to help the Federation realize its highest opportunity and fulfill its chartered purposes.

Donate and sponsor the personal growth of a student today.

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