Educate The Public About The Moo Duk Kwan®

Word of mouth advertising is the most powerful form of promotion you can do for your instructor, your school and the art of Soo Bahk Do®. In his PVT message, Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang encourages every student to take personal ownership for promoting public visibility of Soo Bahk Do® and many times that task can be as easy as wearing apparel featuring our art. The Moo Duk Kwan® organization logo or the Soo Bahk Do® martial art system logo on your shirt, or jacket, etc. can be a conversation starter and thus create an opportunity for you to use your well-honed elevator pitch to educate a non-practitioner about the art and your school. Take this opportunity to embrace your PVT role and acquire customized apparel that can help you realize your potential as an ambassador of public awareness for the art.

This campaign failed to reach its funding goal 7 years ago
46% Funded
  • $6,897.22 Donated
  • $15,000.00 Goal
  • 1 Donors
Time left to donate

About the Campaign

To support this campaign you can simply order your own Official licensed Moo Duk Kwan® apparel and wear it proudly or you can make a donation so apparel can be provided for others.

Direct donations made on this page without ordering anything will be used to cover the cost of apparel items awarded as promotional items during contests, given as prizes during giveaways and distributed as prizes or incentives for various other purposes.

Your contribution will help educate the public by providing apparel for members to wear.

Every member or Alumni wearing Moo Duk Kwan® apparel helps create opportunities for conversation and public education when non practitioners ask you about the logo.

Different apparel items with different designs are available for ordering during time limited campaigns, so should you miss the opportunity to order while one is active, stay alert for the next one. Products may only be offered once, so if one strikes your fancy, get it while you can because it may not be offered again depending on the level of interest expressed.

When you click on any image or the green button you will be able to choose from a number of different name brand products and a variety of colors and styles embroidered with the Moo Duk Kwan® name and logo.

Click To Order Official Licensed Apparel


Official Moo Duk Kwan® Licensed Apparel
Official Moo Duk Kwan® Licensed Apparel















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